Learn something new or contribute skills you already have, make new friends, and have fun!
As a member, you will enjoy the benefits and rewards of:
We have a variety of programs and always need volunteers to help in our Thrift Shop, administration, technical assistance, packing kits, sorting donations, or working with the children in Operation School Bell®.
Membership is open to anyone, Yearly dues are $75. There are two membership categories: voting and nonvoting. Membership dues are the same for either category.
Voting Members. A voting member shall serve a period of orientation and training prescribed by the chapter. This shall include Assistance League orientation, participating in and supporting the philanthropic programs and fundraising activities of the chapter, attending chapter meetings, having the privilege of voting and holding office, paying annual chapter dues, and assuming member’s share of financial obligations as voted by the chapter.
Nonvoting Members. A nonvoting member may participate in and support the philanthropic programs and fundraising activities as determined by the chapter and may attend chapter meetings. Nonvoting members shall pay dues and shall not vote or hold office.
Assisteens Members. High School aged members who volunteer starting freshman year through senior year. Yearly dues are $50.
How can you get started? Check us out by coming for a facility tour and see our members in action! Contact Member Services at MBRinfo@altucson.org to arrange a tour.
Who are Community Volunteers? Members of the community who want to volunteer to support our mission, but do not want to join as members.
All Community Volunteers must fill out an application. The name of your sponsoring Assistance League member is required on the application. Your sponsoring member will obtain and complete the application form with you. Assisteens parents use this link for the application.
If you do not have a sponsoring member but would like to learn more about Assistance League and volunteer opportunities or have questions, please contact us at MBRinfo@altucson.org.
Assistance League of Tucson
1307 N Alvernon WayAssistance League of Tucson is a chapter of National Assistance League. Learn More.
Assistance League is qualified under:
IRS tax code 501(c)(3)
Arizona Tax Credit Law AR 43-1088
Arizona Qualifying Charitable Organization (QCO)
Code: 20040EIN: 86-6057789